Back to the Laura Story song I mentioned yesterday:
Part of the song towards the end mentions "disappointments" and "aching in the life" that points towards a need in our life that only God can fill. God created man and woman to be in relationship with Him. When God first created Adam and Eve, he would come walk with them everyday. They communed with God. I think the majority of my "aching" and "disappointments" come from the fact that in my relationship with God, He does the communicating and I listen for a couple of minutes and gone on about my way. I expect Him to know everything that I need and the things others have asked me to pray for, but I don't take enough time to actually tell Him everything. A relationship doesn't work if one person does all the work and the other person pops in every once in a while and says Hello. That's my life story for the last few weeks. I'm the popper that says "Hello" and then goes on about my merry way. And I wonder why my relationship with God seems to be at a standstill.