Psalm 107, a Diana paraphrase
Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good.
His faithful love endures forever.
Let the redeemed of the Lord proclaim
that He has redeemed them from the hand of the foe
and has gathered them from the lands -
from the east and the west, and the north and the south.
I have wandered in the desolate wilderness,
not able to find my way to that place in my life where I was supposed to be.
I was spiritually hungry and thirsty, and my soul was dying within me.
I cried out to my Lord in the midst of my despair.
He rescued me and showed me the way to go.
He showed me the path I was meant to travel
I give thanks to the Lord,
for His faithful love and His wonderful works for me.
He quenched my hunger and thirst, and has given me good things.
I have sat in darkness and despair, a prisoner in chains of my own doing.
Because I rebelled against God, and did not heed His counsel.
My spirit was broken by labor, I fell, and there was no one to help me up.
I cried out to my God, He heard me.
He lit up my darkness, and broke my chains.
I give thanks to the Lord,
for His faithful love and His wonderful works for me.
For He has broken my chains.
I was a fool, suffering under affliction caused by myself.
Caused by my sin and my rebellious ways.
I loathed any "word from God" and walked down the path of death.
Then I cried out to God in my despair.
He sent His Word. He healed me. He rescued me from the pit.
I give thanks to the Lord,
for His faithful love and His wonderful works for me.
For He healed me and He loves me.
I will offer gifts of thanksgiving and tell others how He has saved me.
There is a lot more to the testimony, but I am waiting to share until the whole of it has come to pass. Let me just say that I am truly blessed to be loved by my God who will never let me go.