Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Haunted by the past

Well, I have been on an anti positive kick the last couple of months. I'm sure you can tell from the lack of posts. Although not every post I write is positive.

I made a decision a couple of months ago that I thought was the perfect plan. At first it moved so quickly and smoothly that I thought God was in it. Then everything came grinding to a halt. Everything eventually worked out, but I am really regretting that decision now. I wonder what is the use in even trying. Everything I touch fails in one way or another it seems like. I thought everything would be better, but it's not. The final result is that my dreams have died, not that they had much life to begin with b

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Fearless Daughters of the Bible: a book review

I received a free copy of this book from Chosen Books in exchange for a honest review.  I'll have to admit that this book was not what I expected, although I'm not sure really what I expected out of a book with this title.  Women in Bible times, and even women in our times, didn't and don't have the freedom that men do to lead in our churches these days.  It is often fearful to even try, knowing what obstacles we may face, in trying to serve in the way that God may be calling us to serve.  J. Lee Grady gives excellent examples in his book of women in Bible times that did not let fear stop them from doing God's work.  He also includes examples of modern day women that did not let their gender affect their life's mission.  The end of each chapter includes a "message from God," directly to His daughters, meant to encourage. 
This is a well-written book, meant to encourage women in today's society to be all that God means for them to be.  Mr. Grady provides practical guidelines for increasing faith, and these guidelines are meant all women.  Single or married, young or old, any Christian woman will find encouragement from reading this book.  Some of the examples of the modern day women are a little outside of what I would consider for myself, but I would recommend this book for any woman who wants to serve God more but maybe afraid to step outside of the norms for Christian women.
I have to say that what I liked most about the book is that Mr. Grady did not steer the book to married women in particular, but he included references for single women as well.  As a single woman, it is hard when many times an author seems to assume that all the readers will be married, or will fall into a specific population of the culture.  I know that certain books are geared towards certain populations, but books for general Christian studies should be geared to all populations, in my opinion.  Mr. Grady did that in this book.