The Bible says in the book of John that you will know the truth and the truth will set you free. The goal of Telling Yourself the Truth by Marie Chapian and William Backus was to help people identify misbeliefs that they tell themselves and use truth to combat depression, anxiety, and other mental disorders. Chapian and Backus surmise that most of our anxiety and depression and other mental issues evolve from the negative self-talk and misbeliefs that we tell ourselves in areas such as fear of change, not taking chances, depression, anger, and self-control. They give real life examples, and counter those examples with ways to change the misbeliefs into truth.
The authors cover many areas in the book where negative self-talk and misbeliefs might come into play. The real life examples really help in understanding oneself and identifying misbeliefs in the different areas. They also bring the Christian life and Scripture into the picture, how our real meaning in life is found in Christ. Other areas covered in the book are self-hate, anxiety, being indispensable, and relationships with others. There are questions and examples in the back to further help the reader identify and tackle misbeliefs and get them on the path to happiness.
I would suggest this book for anyone who works in the field of mental health, and anyone wanting to start themselves down the path to happiness, away from depression, and anxiety, and misbeliefs. It's not a book that I think would be effective for myself, but I believe that it could be a great help for others.
I received a free copy of this book in exchange for an unbiased and honest review. My opinions are my own.