It's kind of the same way with Dr. Pepper. I like Dr. Pepper. Occasionally, I buy the cheap version: Dr. (Fill in the blank with imitation of your choice). This is one time I know I have the imitation, and I don't enjoy it as much as the real thing, but I suffer through it, usually because I buy the cheaper drink.
I think it can be the same way with God. Sometimes what we think may be God turns out to be an imitation. The Bible says satan poses as an angel of light (2 Cor 11:14-15) and we know his primary goal is to afflict us and keep us from doing God's work through whatever he thinks will stop us. He may use things we think are from God to stop us. We may not realize that it is not God at first, but it shouldn't take long to figure out. We might have to do some praying and searching to make sure what we are hearing is from God.
I think it can also work like the Dr. Pepper. We know we have the imitation and not the real thing, but we are not willing to do the work to get the real thing. We are content to sit by, and miss out on he bigger blessings that God has for us. God is SO much more than Dr. Pepper though. Maybe it's time to give Him a taste and see what the real thing tastes like. He promises that when we search for Him with all our heart we will find him (Jeremiah 29:13).
Taste and see that The Lord is good, blessed is the one who takes refuge in Him! Psalm 34:8