Monday, March 11, 2013


This is my prayer plant. I got it from my grandmother. Sadly, it used to be a lot bigger when my grandmother had it. I've managed to almost kill it a couple of times, but it's been hanging in there. This growth of this prayer plant is a mirror image to my own spiritual growth.

I think my prayer plant needs two things to grow really well. The first thing my prayer plant needs is lots of Sonlight. If I forget to open the curtains a couple if days in a row, my leaves get all wilty. It only takes a little Sonlight to get them vibrant again.

Second, my prayer plant needs water. I equate the water the bread of the Holy Word. When I forget to water, the plant starts to shrivel. It's really starting to grow now. How long this will last, I don't know. But it's a lot like my life. When I don't have Sonlight and living water, I start to shrivel.

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