Tuesday, July 2, 2013

The Legend of the JellyFly: Short Family Fables #1

 At our family reunion a couple of years ago, a couple of us older grandkids sat around and decided to create a fake monster to keep the kids occupied for a night.  Since then, we've tried to have a monster every year.  Here is the story of the first monster.  I thought I would share with you.

Raeli, Ryan, and Nick are headed to the cabin for the annual Short family reunion. 

Raeli says, “I am so excited!  I can’t wait to see all of the cousins!”

Raeli, Ryan, and Nick arrive at the cabin and none of the cousins are there yet.  They want to go out and play in the woods around the cabin.

Nick says, “Let’s go look for Bigfoot!”

Naner says, “Be careful, guys. Bigfoot is not out there.  But a JellyFly might be out there.”

“What is a JellyFly?” asks Ryan.

“The JellyFly is a monster that lives in the woods around the cabin.  It has an orange eye, and a green eye.  It has giant wings with polka dots.  Their poop looks like giant marshmallows and they throw lollipops at people before they eat them!  They like to eat people wearing blue shirts.  When they get close to you, they start to squeal and make a popping noise, kind of like a firecracker.  You can go out in the woods if you want, but make sure you watch out for marshmallow poop and if you get hit by a lollipop, you might want to run back to the cabin as fast as you can.  Make sure you can see the cabin from where you are.”

Raeli is wearing a brown shirt and Nick has on a green shirt.  Ryan put on a blue shirt.  Naner said, “Be very careful, Ryan.  The JellyFly only eats people with blue shirts on.  Watch out and make sure you aren’t getting hit by lollipops.”

Raeli, Ryan, and Nick head out into the woods.  Pretty soon they see a trail and are headed down into the woods to see what they can find.  Raeli feels something hit her on the head.  “Ouchie!” she yells, and turns around to see what had hit her. 

“It’s an acorn!” Ryan says.  “See, right here.  A squirrel must have thrown it at you.”

        They go on a little farther, and turn around to make sure they can still see the cabin.  They decide to walk in a circle around the cabin.  After a little bit, Nick feels something bounce off his head.  “Ouch!” he cries, and turns to look at the ground.  It’s a lollipop! 

        “Naner is playing tricks on us,” Raeli says.  “I bet she followed us out here, and threw that lollipop.  Let’s keep going.”

They keep on walking in a circle around the cabin. Raeli spots a stick that she knows Ryan will like.  “Ryan, look at this stick,” she says.  “Ryan?”  She turns around to look, but Ryan is not there! 

“Nick, where’s Ryan?”  Raeli asks.  “I don’t know,” says Nick, “but I found some big marshmallows here on the ground.”

“Those aren’t marshmallows!  That’s JellyFly poop!” says Raeli.  “Ryan was wearing blue!  He’s been kidnapped by the JellyFly!  We need to go tell Naner right now!”

Raeli and Nick start running back to the cabin.  Nick hears a squealing sound and tells Raeli to slow down.  As Raeli stops, she hears a popping noise right behind her.   When she turns around, something hits her on the head.  She looks down, and sees a lollipop lying at her feet.  She stoops down to pick up the lollipop, and turns around to show Nick.  But when she turns around, Nick is not there!  Did he get kidnapped by a JellyFly too?

Raeli runs all the way to the cabin to get Naner.  Raeli finds Naner upstairs making the beds.  “Naner! Naner!” she yells.  “Nick and Ryan have been kidnapped by the JellyFly!  We got hit by lollipops, Nick found marshmallow poop, but Nick is wearing green!”

“Oh, no!” says Naner.  “We have to help them! But Nick is wearing green.  I thought JellyFlys only ate people wearing blue shirts.  Why did they take Nick?  We need to go look for them!”  Naner and Raeli head out in the woods to look for Ryan and Nick. 

        Meanwhile in the JellyFly cave….Nick and Ryan are tied up next to an old refrigerator.  There were two JellyFlys!  One was a boy and the other one was a girl.  The boy JellyFly had taken Ryan and the girl JellyFly had kidnapped Nick. 

        “Ryan,” whispers Nick.  “How are we going to get out of here?”

        “I don’t know,” whispers Ryan.  “They sound mad.”

        “Maybe you should tell them a joke,” says Nick.  “Like a knock-knock joke or something.”

        “Oh!  I’ve got a good knock-knock joke,” says Ryan. “How do we get their attention?”

        “I’ll burp really loud!” says Nick. “BBBBBUUUUURRRRRPPPP!”

        The JellyFlys turn around and look at Nick and Ryan.  “I’ve got a really funny joke,” says Ryan.  “Knock knock.”

        “Who’s there?” says the girl JellyFly.

“Boo,” says Ryan. “Boo who?” says the girl JellyFly.

“You don’t have to be such a crybaby about it,” says Ryan.

The boy JellyFly starts to laugh really loud.  The girl JellyFly turns around and glares at him.  “I’ve got a joke,” says Nick.  “Knock, Knock.” 

“Who’s there?” “banana.” “banana who?”

“Knock, Knock.”  “Who’s there?”  “banana.”  “banana who?”

“Knock, Knock.”  “Who’s there?” “Orange.” “Orange who?” “Orange you glad I didn’t say banana!”

“We’ve got to let them go!” says the girl JellyFly.  “I thought you said they’d be funny!”

“I thought they would be funny!” says the boy JellyFly.  He walks over, unties Nick and Ryan, and puts a blindfold over their eyes so they can’t find their way back to the JellyFly cave.  He takes the boys out into the woods to let them go.

Meanwhile, out in the woods:  Naner and Raeli are hollering for Nick and Ryan as loud as they can.  They don’t know where the JellyFlys would be hiding them.  They keep going through the woods, yelling for Nick and Ryan.  All of a sudden, Nick and Ryan come running through the woods, talking a mile a minute about all that they had seen in the JellyFly cave.  They all rushed back to the cabin, and they were very careful about what color they wore the rest of the weekend. 


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