Monday, January 23, 2012

12523 and counting....

That's how old I am in days.  Sounds like a lot doesn't it?  I wonder how many of those days has made God smile?  Days have been on my mind lately.  I heard a song on the radio yesterday that started the wheels going in my head.  It took me all afternoon yesterday to find it, because I only remembered a couple of words but here it is:

So now that I'm blogging about this song, I'm going to have to jam to it in the background.  :-)  It just really got me thinking about how many days I spend worrying about what's going to happen in the future or fretting about what has happened in the past.  How many times in the past I wish I would have done something differently, or not said that phrase, or took more time with my niece and nephews or didn't sign on that dotted line (again and again and again).  What's going to happen in the future with my life, my job, my church, my niece and nephews, what will I wear tomorrow, how am I going to pay that bill, where's my other black shoe because I'm wearing my black pants tomorrow, etc.  I can't change the things in my past and worrying about the things in the future will not make them any better.  No one knows the future but God.

I was so upset by these little things this morning that I almost missed the most beautiful sunrise.  Red, orange, yellow, beautiful colors.  How many times am I too busy to notice the sunset, the rabbit sitting in the bushes, the robin sitting on the limb of the tree, two squirrels chasing each other down the electric line?  Or the cloud that looks like an elephant sitting in a rowboat chasing a hippo in on a raft?  How many times do I miss the asteroids flying through the night sky?  The yellow harvest moon rising over the horizon?  Or watch the sun set over the Oklahoma hills?

Psalm 90:12 says "Teach us to number our days."  So I numbered mine.  That's a lot of days.  And I don't know how many more I have left.  But I know that I need to make better use of them, and not look back or try to look too far into my future.  So if you'll excuse me, I think I'll go look at some stars, and thank God for the day He has given me...


  1. Oh Diana, how I needed to read this tonight. Thank you for sharing!

  2. Cool thoughts! We watched Courageous this weekend. I was struck by this idea as well of choosing to make every moment matter. The next day Alexis was playing with her house and asked me to come play. I was laying on the couch quite tired and said, "Mommy's tired." She went to play alone, I looked and her and thought, "Why lay on the couch and give up this moment?" I played with the house :-D

    1. I'm really glad you played house with that precious little girl! :-)
