There is an issue that I have been struggling with for a long time. I'll think that I've gotten rid of it, and before too long, up pops its ugly head again. It's like the monster in my closet, that really shouldn't be an issue but I make more of it that it really is. I even think sometimes that I leave it at the feet of Jesus, when in actuality what I have done is attached a long bungee cord to it. When I get far enough away from the cross, it comes bouncing right back. So I go along for a while, thinking that I am doing very well, when in actuality I'm getting farther away from the cross. The farther away I get from the cross, the tighter the bungee cord gets, and the quicker my bag of rocks comes bouncing back to me. It's so heavy, it knocks me flat. Many times, it takes a while for me to get back up. I believe what I truly need to do it take it to the feet of Jesus, turn around so He can untie bungee cord and hide it, and then I can turn back around and keep my eyes on Him. When I think I've given it to Him and then turn around and take my eyes off the cross, the easier it will be to find it again. The funny thing is that as I type this, I see how true this scenario is....
I know this is a short post, but apparently I have a bag of rocks to deliver to Someone so they can be hidden from me...
Love your analogy! Thanks for the reminder today that I need to just let God take it away and not look back to the cross at what I've already given up and think about getting it back.