Tuesday, May 29, 2012

It's the little things

It's the little things...
  •  like my car not starting or this situation not working out
  •  like the ______ did not ______
  •  or the _____ did not ______
  •  and the ______ was not _______
  •  plus the ______ did not ______
These are the little things that won't matter tomorrow.

It's the little things.....
  •  my nephew enjoying the guitar I hadn't gotten out of the closet in years
  •  a hug from my niece who grows an inch taller every week it seems
  •  a video chat with my other nephew, who likes to show me scary spiders
  •  working on my car with my dad, who was here when I needed him
  •  little puppy teeth biting my toe
  •  asking my mom for help on a sewing project because I messed up again
  •  a text or an email from friends to help you out of a slump
  •  a gift from a coworker to brighten your day
  •  pictures or texts from my sisters about my "kiddos"
  •  knowing a church family is there to pray when you need it
  •  a loving Father waiting to welcome you back with open arms when you've gone astray....
THESE are the little things that WILL matter tomorrow.....and the things that need to be foremost in my mind.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Stray cat...

So, I think I've mentioned the stray cat that's been hanging out at my house.  I guess technically she's not really a stray since she has a name "Foxy", kinda given to her by my nephew Nick who thought she was a fox last summer.  It wasn't long before I discovered that Foxy was pregnant.  Being the soft-hearted animal lover that I am, I began feeding her.  It wasn't long until I could holler "kitty kitty" and she would come running, meowing and hissing all the while.  She would come pretty close, but not close enough for me to pet her.  If I got too close, she would hiss at me more.  The kittens have since been born.  I have no idea where they are.  But Foxy still comes around to eat.  I am happy to report that our relationship has progressed.  She still hisses at me, but she has progressed to rubbing around my ankles while hissing and meowing for food.  I can also pet her, and she'll only hiss a little. 

Well, while I was driving to work this morning, it occurred to me that Foxy is similar to the people reach out to us for help.  Whether with physical needs or people needing friends, these people may have been burned in the past and may just need someone to show them love.  They might bite and hiss at first, but maybe beneath the biting and hissing is a kitty cat wanting to be loved.  Who knows?