Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Reformation Day!

I've been thinking a lot today about reform, reforming myself mostly.  I've been reading in 1 Peter and this morning I read over the verse that says that a woman's adornment needs to come from her beauty on the inside.  I was reading in the New King James Version, and it had the word merely in the verse.  For a little background info, I have convinced myself that it is not necessary for me to really doll myself up every day because the chances of my finding Mr. Right or even Mr. Somewhat Right are very, very miniscule.  A beautiful spirit is a great thing, but humans are visual creatures and there's nothing about me visually that would attract anyone's attention, except the fact that I'm very overweight (which is not likely to attract positive attention).  I know that I need to lose weight, but I'm not very motivated.  I've been thinking about this a lot lately.  Then I read this verse this morning.  It got me to thinking that maybe I need to try a little more with my outward appearance, not so much to attract Mr. (doesn't exist for me) Right, but to give people the idea that I do care about the body that God has given me and that I need to take better care of it.  So I've got plenty to think on in the next couple of days....So maybe this time next year maybe I can celebrate Reformation Day in a new way!

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