Thursday, July 11, 2013

Delusional blog title

I think my blog title is a little delusional.  Ask anyone around you if I have recovered from my pessimism and they would probably tell you "no."  Read my journals and you could tell yourself "no."  Read my statuses on FB, and my tweets, and my entries on here, and I tell you" no" just by what I type.  I find it hard to look at roses without seeing the thorns, if you get my "point."  So, I'm going to make a list of some things for which I'm thankful.  I'm going to use initials for some, just to avoid any weirdness. 

  1. God's mercy
  2. Raeli, Ryan, and Nick
  3. OBU = CN, JB, SN, KT, MP, DJ, LS, and several others
  4. TBC = A, C, C, P, R, M, A, A, E, M, and others
  5. S, B, J, J, H, C, T, P, etc.
  6. BOOKS, especially free ones!
  7. Christian music
  8. Christian friends
  9. Christian books
  10. my Bible
  11. Old friends
  12. my sisters
  13. my crazy family
  14. our awesome family reunions
  15. the fact that I got to see all my aunts and uncles (minus one) within a week this month
  16. weekends
  17. my puppies
  18. my parents, the fact that they are still married after 37 years
  19. Christian upbringing
  20. freedom to worship
  21. babies
  22. the random cats that show up at our house
  23. sleep
  24. sunsets
  25. thunderstorms
  26. people who make variations of Pachelbel's Canon
  27. old family pictures
  28. encouragers
  29. children I can send home
  30. our cooler temps this summer
  31. cold Dr. Pepper
  32. Bible studies that speak to me
  33. Paris
  34. my grandparents
  35. JESUS!
One for each year of my life.  :-)

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